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For Hotels & Service Providers


You want to collaborate with us and you have a unique offer or attractive conditions? Let us know more about it, we are curious!


Service Providers


You have an attractive, unique or interesting offer which you would like to sell to travel groups mainly from Germany, Europe but also international groups? We are looking forward to getting to know more about it!


Phone: +41 (0) 429 67 00


Switzerland is looking forward to its guests!


USP Touristik is a full service Incoming Agency, which organises group packages for Switzerland or creates an individual program for your itinerary.


Feel free to contact us.

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Die Schweiz freut sich auf Ihre Gäste!


Die USP Touristik AG ist eine Incoming-Agentur, die Reisepakete für Gruppenreisen zusammenstellt oder Ihnen ein individuelles Reiseprogramm, das auf Ihre Wünsche angepasst wird, errichtet.


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